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Optimization Reviews are performed annually with our team to enable you to reach your full potential with KaiNexus. Optimization Reviews give our customers an opportunity to dive deeper into their instances with our team. Hear from Chris Burham, Senior Lean Strategy Director, to learn more.


The Optimization Review process will take 2-4 weeks to complete. Check out this video for more detail.


There are so many benefits from having an Optimization Review. Learn more about the benefits in this video below!


Things can change fast, and that's why it's important to have an Optimization Review every year to make sure your system is set up for success.

There are four key results you can expect from your Optimization Review. Watch this video to dive deeper into what these results are!


There is a lot of demand for the Optimization Review process, so contact your CSM to get into the queue for your Optimization Review today.

No need to prepare anything before your kickoff call. The Optimization Review Team will explain everything you need to know then.