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Customer Success Stories

Featured Success Stories

Awesome Companies Using KaiNexus to Spread Improvement


mary greeley customer page

Mary Greeley Medical Center uses KaiNexus to engage staff and managers.

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GreenState Credit customer page

GreenState Credit Union uses KaiNexus to manage work beyond Excel.

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Our Lady Of The Lake

Our Lady of the Lake uses KaiNexus to increase performance improvement.

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St. Clair Hospital 2

St. Clair Hospital uses KaiNexus to create a
continuous improvement culture.

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Memorial Health System

Memorial Health System uses KaiNexus
to increase organization engagement.

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Who's Using KaiNexus?

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How Do Our Customers Use KaiNexus?

One Platform to Do It All


100-Day Workout



KaiNexus Milestones




Balanced Scorecards


Problem-Solving Storyboards


Performance Evaluations

