Come to KaiNexicon to tap into an unmatched community of innovators who understand your commitment to continuous improvement like no one else. Here, you'll gain insights that push the boundaries of what's possible with KaiNexus, equipping you with new strategies, time-saving tips, and powerful applications you may have never considered.
We invite you to join us in Austin, Texas, on April 29 - May 1, 2025, for the 9th Annual KaiNexus User Conference.
We'll be hosting at the Hyatt Regency located in the heart of downtown Austin. At KaiNexicon, you can expect a deep dive into the latest KaiNexus features, along with hands-on workshops, practical guidance, and best practices directly from other KaiNexus customers. With expanded networking sessions and access to KaiNexperts, you’ll have ample opportunities to learn, connect, and walk away with actionable ideas that drive results.
Hear from KaiNexus customers on why KaiNexicon is a must-attend event for all improvement professionals.
The schedule is subject to change.
The KaiNexus Kiosk will be back in full swing at KaiNexicon. See the Kiosk functionality in action and give us your ideas for improvement on everything from the conference to the product! We'll have your ideas populate a Wallboard in real-time, and follow up with you afterward.
Thanks for helping us improve!
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