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Kaizen Software

The KaiNexus software platform was originally designed around the principles of Kaizen and daily continuous improvement by our co-founder Dr. Greg Jacobson and his colleagues in the emergency department at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. KaiNexus was developed as a way to track and report on Kaizen in the organization, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of daily continuous improvement efforts. These roots make the KaiNexus platform a unique match for Kaizen programs in any organization.

KaiNexus helps leaders and staff to see Opportunities for Improvement through from identification to completion.

Kaizen Software

Kaizen Like You've Never Seen It.

KaiNexus unites everyone around Kaizen, engaging your front lines to your executive suite to harness the power of your organization's improvement potential. Take an organized approach to spreading and sustaining Kaizen in your organization.

Kaizen Events


The KaiNexus software platform adapts to any scope of improvement work, whether you’re doing small, daily continuous improvement or larger Kaizen Events. KaiNexus supports your Kaizen Events by allowing you and your event facilitators to:

  • Plan and Schedule Events

    Set your Events up on the fly or in advance in just a few minutes. All you need is a title, description and Event dates to get started!

  • Create and Share Your Charter Documents

    Take whatever documents you currently use in your Kaizen Event process, and put them in KaiNexus. We don’t superimpose a prescribed methodology; KaiNexus lets you work the way you work best. Think of KaiNexus as the platform to better manage the work you’re already doing.

  • Build a Team and Keep Everybody in the Loop

    Hand-select the people you’d like to participate in your Event, and choose who is a leader and who is a participant. KaiNexus keeps track of all of your notifications and reminders for you, keeping everybody in the loop about the progress of the Event and each Opportunity for Improvement within it. KaiNexus notifies the right people about relevant information at the appropriate time, giving you the freedom to spend your meetings productively discussing strategy rather than rehashing updates.

  • Track and Share Key Data and Metrics

    All of the information you need to monitor the progress of your Kaizen Event can be stored in KaiNexus, making it available to everybody, all the time. This means no more hunting through spreadsheets or localized bulletin boards to tell if you’re staying on track.

  • Complete Opportunities for Improvement During Your Event, or Later

    During the course of your Event, the team is bound to identify lots of Opportunities for Improvement. These can be completed within the scope of the event, or later, if you find that you need more time to finish some of the work.

  • Compile Metrics and Results from Your Event

    It’s great that you’re able to accomplish so much work during the scope of your Kaizen Events, but wouldn’t it be better if you were able to accurately capture the impact of the Event, too? KaiNexus creates metrics for you that aggregate the impact of each of your Opportunities for Improvement, taking the guesswork out of determining the ROI of your Event.

  • Ensure Lasting Impact

    All of the work that you do for your Event (and your daily Kaizen work, as well) is stored permanently in the KaiNexus database, creating an institutional body of knowledge for your organization to ensure that your work has a sustained impact. Anyone can access your process and results at any time, so you don’t have to worry about someone else having to address the same problems years down the road.

We know that the best Kaizen organizations focus on both daily continuous improvement AND Kaizen Events… let KaiNexus help you in that process.